We think that it is very important for all the people of this world to have basic medical knowledge. Medicine should not be given to any patient without the proper medical knowledge. Always consult a doctor before giving medicine to any patient.
Medicines Dot is an online health information website for patients and their families and friends. Our mission is to provide high-quality, relevant health and wellness information that is trusted and easy to understand in English. We make reliable health information available anytime, anywhere, for free.
Medicines Dot Offers information on health topics, medications, dietary supplements, and healthy recipes.
Medicines Dot has a research team of more than 10 members that help us to provide you with high-quality, relevant health and wellness information that is trusted and easy to understand in English.
About the Owner of Medicine Dot
His name is Tapas Mandal and he was a Professional Teacher. At one point, his grandfather died because of a doctor’s mistreatment. That is why he thinks that one should have the right knowledge about medicine and his mission is to provide reliable health information available anytime, anywhere, for free.